American Paddlefish

Females of the Paddlefish do not reach maturity until they are about 12 years old.

Discover in real life
American PaddlefishPolyodon Spathula
  • Food

    zooplankton, such as water fleas and insect larvae

  • Lifetime

    30 - 55 year

  • Weight

    18 - 70 kg

  • Number of eggs

    7,000 - 3,000 eggs

  • Incubation time

    5 days

  • IUCN Status



years, that's how old the American paddlefish can get


kilo, that's how much the American paddlefish weighs at most


days, is the breeding season of an American paddlefish

Electric sense

The American Paddlefish eats very small aquatic animals, such as mosquito larvae. To detect these animals, it uses its long nose. The paddlefish's nose contains cells that can sense electricity. Every life creature gives off very small electrical signals. The paddlefish's nose is so sensitive that it can pick up a signal from a water flea.

Not to worry

The female paddlefish lays her eggs in spring. She drops her eggs over gravel or sand. The eggs are sticky and so remain. Males then swim over the eggs and release their sperm. This is how the eggs are fertilised. After that, both males and females leave. Young spoon sturgeons have to look after themselves.