Atlantic Sturgeon

The sturgeon is a species of fish that existed 220 million years ago.

Discover in real life
Atlantic SturgeonAcipenser Oxyrinchus
  • Food

    insects, worms, crustaceans, small fish

  • Lifetime

    30 - 60 years

  • Weight

    50 - 200 kg

  • Number of eggs

    250,000 - 1,000,000+ eggs

  • Incubation time

    3 - 7 days

  • IUCN Status

    IUCN Status


years, that's how old Atlantic Sturgeon can get


kilo, that's how much the Atlantic Sturgeon weighs at most


days, is the maximum breeding time of an Atlantic Sturgeon


In spring, Atlantic Sturgeons swim up the river from the sea. In the freshwater of the river where they themselves were born, the females lay their eggs. They only lay eggs when the temperature, current and acidity of the water are just right. If this is not right, they skip a year and do not lay eggs.


The Atlantic Sturgeon has no teeth. It can extend its mouth like a trunk. It uses this to suck up small aquatic animals from the bottom. It has four feelers near its mouth with which it can feel if there is something hidden in the sand. If it feels something, it sucks it in like a hoover.