Big hairy armadillo

When in danger, the Big hairy armadillo pulls its legs under its armor and presses itself flat against the ground

Discover in real life
Big hairy armadillo
  • Habitat

    Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina

  • Food

    insects, small animals, carrion and fruits

  • Lifetime

    up to 30 years

  • Weight

    2 kilos

  • Length

    22 to 40 cm

  • Number of youngsters


  • Wear time

    2 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?



cm, which is the maximum length of this armadillo


young are born one at a time


years, that's how old an armadillo can get

Digging in

The big hairy armadillo is an omnivore and digs a lot. It does this for food, but also to make a burrow. Here it can hide and cool off during hot days in the desert.

During the day or at night?

In winter, the temperature is nice for the armadillo and he is active during the day. In summer, it gets too hot for him. He then chooses to sleep during the day and is active at night.