Black pacu

Black pacu can grow nearly 1 meter long.

Discover in real life
Black pacu
  • Habitat

    rivers in southern South America

  • Food

    fruits, seeds, plankton, insects, snails

  • Lifetime

    20 years

  • Weight

    30 kg

  • Length

    1 meter

  • Number of eggs


  • Incubation time


  • IUCN status


  • EEP?



years, that's how old a black pacu can get


meters, that's how long a black pacu can get


kilograms, that's about how much a black pacu weighs

Vegetarian piranha

Black pacu are very similar to piranhas. They are also related to them. Yet pacu eat almost only plants. The black pacu has very strong jaws. With its teeth, it can crack nuts and seeds. In addition, the pacu also eats fruit. Occasionally, it also grabs insects or small fish.

Seed Transport

When a black pacu eats fruit, the seeds often end up whole in its stomach. These seeds he later defecates again. From such seeds, once the water in the river has subsided, a new fruit tree can grow. Because the fish swim a lot, some seeds end up several miles away.