Green iguana

Green iguanas are good swimmers. They dive off a branch into the water to escape predators.

Discover in real life
Green iguana
  • Habitat

    Central and South America in forests and tropical rainforest

  • Food

    fruits, leaves, flowers and insects

  • Lifetime

    up to 20 years

  • Weight

    1.2 to 4 kilograms

  • Length

    up to 2 meters

  • Number of eggs

    10 to 30

  • Development time

    3 to 4 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 2

    how many feet long the green iguana can get

  • 4

    kilograms, that's how much the green iguana weighs on average

  • 20

    years, that's how old a green iguana gets at most

  • High in the trees

    Adult iguanas are found mostly high up in the trees. Here they look for a good spot where there is plenty of sunshine. They eat mostly leaves, fruits and flowers. Sometimes some bird eggs or insects. The female only comes down to lay eggs.

    Good camouflage color

    Because of their green color, they do not stand out in the trees, even though they grow to an average length of 1.75 meters. When danger threatens, the green iguana usually remains stationary. With any luck, the predator won't see him.