Little egret

The eggs of the little egret are greenish blue in color.

Discover in real life
Little egret
  • Habitat

    including Europe, Africa, India and Australia

  • Food

    fish, insects and small animals

  • Lifetime

    22 years

  • Weight

    350-550 grams

  • Number of eggs


  • Incubation time

    2-25 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?



years, that's how old the little egret can get


grams, that's how much the little egret weighs on average


days, that's about how long the little egret has been breeding

Shuffling through the water

Little egrets hunt in shallow water. With their distinctive black legs with bright yellow toes they shuffle through the water. This is how they scare small animals from the bottom up. Sometimes they run quickly through the water to catch small fish.

Shared care

Little egrets make their nest near the water. Both the male and the female take care of the chicks. Little egrets look after the hatching of the eggs for about two more months for their chicks.