Pink pelican

The parent regurgitates food for the young. The young eats it from the parent's beak.

Discover in real life
Pink pelican
  • Habitat

    Southeastern Europe, Africa and West and Central Asia

  • Food

    fish, lobsters, eggs

  • Lifetime

    30 to 50 years

  • Weight

    5 to 15 pounds

  • Length

    140 to 178 cm

  • Number of eggs

    1 to 3

  • Incubation time

    29 to 36 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 50

    years, that's how old a pink pelican can get

  • 10

    kilograms, that's how much a pink pelican weighs on average

  • 33

    days, that's about how long a pink pelican is breeding

  • Teamwork

    Pink pelicans eat mostly fish. Catching fish they do together. They swim in horseshoe formation, driving the fish to shallow water and scooping the fish out of the water with their large beaks.

    Scoop net

    The beak acts like a landing net. The elastic skin on the underside stretches tremendously from scooping up gallons of water with fish. The water is forced out of the beak and the fish is swallowed.