Polar Bear

Polar bears can smell their prey up to a kilometer away and a meter below the snow.


  • het noordpoolgebied op het zeeijs en het omringende land


  • zeehonden, zeevogels,eieren, vis, aas, kleine zoogdieren


  • 25 tot 30 jaar


  • 150 tot 800 kilo


  • 1,80 tot 2,50 m


  • 1 tot 4

    Number of youngsters

  • 7 tot 9 maanden

    Wear time

  • kwetsbaar

    IUCN Status

  • ja


Wist je dat?

  • 1000

    meters, from so far away a polar bear can smell its prey

  • 8

    months, that's how long a polar bear is pregnant on average

  • 800

    that's how many pounds a polar bear can weigh

Swimming Champion

Polar bears are good swimmers. They can even swim for days at a time without coming ashore. They are not very good at hunting in the water. Polar bears eat mainly ringed seals. They catch these from the ice. They then wait patiently at an air hole in the ice until a seal comes up to take a breath.

Nursery in the snow

Polar bears are born in the middle of winter in a den under the snow. They already have thick fur and weigh about 600 grams. In the spring, they go outside for the first time. They then weigh between 10 and 15 kilograms.

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