Sloths can swim very well.
Number of youngsters
Wear time
IUCN Status
hours a day, that's how long a sloth sleeps
different kinds of sloths are there
meters per minute a sloth travels through the trees
A sloth eats almost only leaves. There is not much energy in that. Therefore, it does everything quietly. A sloth sleeps about 15 hours a day. When it moves, it does so very slowly. Sloths spend most of their lives hanging upside down in a tree. About once a week, they climb down very slowly to defecate on the ground.
A sloth's hair grows from its belly to its back. This is because he almost always hangs upside down on a branch. Its hairs are very rough. This allows algae to grow on his fur. So it looks like he has green hair. This is good camouflage for when you live in the rainforest.