South American tapir

The young have brown and white striped fur and stay with the mother for 1.5 years.

Discover in real life
South American tapir
  • Habitat

    forests and swamps in South America

  • Food

    fruit, leaves, shoots

  • Lifetime

    25 to 35 years

  • Weight

    150 to 250 kg

  • Length

    204 to 211 cm

  • Number of youngsters


  • Wear time

    13 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP?


  • 1,5

    years, that's how long youngsters stay with the mother

  • 200

    kilograms, that's how much a tapir weighs on average

  • 13

    months, that's about how long a tapir is pregnant

  • Trunk

    The small, mobile trunk is used by tapirs when collecting food. The surroundings are sniffed with it and the food found can be brought to the mouth through the trunk.

    Excellent swimmers

    South American tapirs can swim and dive well. When in danger, they run away or dive into the water. Sometimes they sleep in the water. To get rid of skin parasites, tapirs take mud baths.