Tammar Wallaby dier in gras AquaZoo Leeuwarden

Wallaby born at AquaZoo

At AquaZoo, a swamp wallaby was born. The mother has been pregnant for 33 days, which is quite normal. At birth, the wallabies are about one gram and are the size of a bee.

Few weeks old

During a medical check on one of our swamp wallabies, the caretakers came across a cub. It is probably no more than a few weeks old. In marsupials like the swamp wallabies, most of the young's development takes place in the pouch.

As big as a bee

When the wallaby is born, it is not much bigger than a bee. Under its own power, it makes its way to the mother's pouch. There it finds a teat, which it does not let go of for the next few months. In Australia, they call a wallaby cub, a Joey. As soon as the Joey is ready, it carefully looks over the edge of the pouch, exploring the world. For the first few months, the cub will always seek the safety of the pouch when danger threatens.

Watch the young swamp wallaby in its mother's pouch.