IJsbeer drinkt uit water AquaZoo Leeuwarden

Development of the new Churchill area

Het is zo ver... het gloednieuwe Noord-Amerika gebied is geopend! Het Churchillgebied is gebaseerd op de lange Churchill River die in het Noorden van Canada loopt. De rivier is maar liefst 1.609 kilometer lang. Dit is het leefgebied van onder andere wasberen, Canadese bevers, verschillende vissoorten en ijsberen.

Churchill staat bekend als Polar Bear Capital of the World en dat is niet voor niets. Vanaf het voorjaar komen de eerste ijsberen hier aan wal, waar ze in een soort winterslaap gaan. Ze struinen een beetje rond om de tijd te verdoen en eten niet echt, tot het moment dat de Hudson Bay is dichtgevroren en ze weer op zoek kunnen gaan naar hun voedsel: zeehonden. De witte reuzen lopen er zo vaak rond, dat de inwoners van Churchill hun auto expres niet op slot doen. Zo kunnen voetgangers die toevallig een ijsbeer tegen het lijf lopen zich verstoppen in een auto.

The Road to Churchill

Construction of the new Churchill area at AquaZoo started in October 2023. With our video series called "The Road to Churchill," we show you the developments of the area.

Construction updates

June 6, 2024

For six months the new area was built. Here you will discover a direct reflection of North American flora and fauna, with unique animal species and versatile trees and plants. As a visitor you could already admire the new area for a while, but now it is completely finished. On Thursday, June 6, the area was finally opened.

March 2, 2024

Designer Rick takes you around the construction site of the new Churchill area of AquaZoo! He tells you all about the choices that were made within the design and what you can soon expect as a visitor.

March 2, 2024

In this episode of The Road to Churchill, Jeroen takes you through the Christmas tree collection and designer Rick tells you about the planting in the new area. But first, you get a construction update!

Jan. 10, 2024

In our video series called "The Road to Churchill," we take you through the latest developments of the new area. Watch the first episode here:

December 4, 2023

Drone footage of the area was taken.

Nov. 24, 2023

The first concrete in the Churchill area has been poured. The work is going very well!

Nov. 18, 2023

The first contours of the area are taking shape. A lot of sand is being moved to create animal habitats, including a large mound for the raccoons. Walkways are also being laid out and the new water route is taking shape.

November 8, 2023

Start of construction

The animals in the Churchill area

New enclosures for the raccoons and Canadian beavers will be realized in the area. The beavers currently have a nice place in AquaZoo, but with these new enclosures they will have an even more optimal living environment. The raccoons will once again have a nice place in AquaZoo in the Churchill area. The polar bear enclosure will remain in its current form and will be an important part of the new area. Because the earth is getting warmer, it is becoming more difficult for polar bears to get food. Currently, only 26,000 polar bears live worldwide. Through management programs, education and supporting conservation projects, AquaZoo is committed to polar bear conservation.

Wasbeer close-up AquaZoo Leeuwarden

Adopt a Churchill animal?

IJsbeer in het gras AquaZoo Leeuwarden

Want to know more about polar bears?

Canadese beer drinkt water AquaZoo Leeuwarden

Want to know more about the Canadian beavers?

Raccoons at AAP foundation?

In the Netherlands, raccoons are not allowed by law to live in the wild because they cause damage to native animal species. In recent years, the AAP Foundation has taken in more than 100 raccoons from Limburg. AquaZoo Leeuwarden is one of the sanctuaries for these animals.

Meer weten over stichting aap?

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